About Qi Odyssey

Discover relaxation, mindfulness and peace of mind at Qi Odyssey, a hidden gem in the city that brings calm and rejuvenates your mind with the elements of reflexology, body massage and a Chinese teahouse.

From the delightful refreshments, to the bespoke treatments and a range of thoughtfully crafted foot soak selections, this is a modern wellness space in a tranquil and nature-inspired ambience created for a greater state of balance and wellbeing.


Spa Etiquette

For a wonderful experience you're about to enjoy, we encourage you to follow our etiquette.


We recommend you to place advance reservation to ensure your preferred time and service are available. If a reschedule or cancellation is unavoidable, we seek your kind cooperation to notify us 4 hours in advance as a courtesy to other guests and our therapists.

Arrive Early

Arrive 10 mins prior to your appointment, allowing yourself time to enter a mindful state for your massage treatment. A late arrival may entail a reduced service duration or your slot vacated for the next in queue.


Guests above the age of 16 are welcome.


You will change to slippers, and a comfy attire will be provided for full-body services, or upon request for reflexology/half-body treatments.

Enjoy the Silence

Immerse in a mindful state of relaxation for yourself and other guests by silencing your mobile devices to maintain a quiet environment and speaking softly.

Prices & Surcharge

Our services are priced in Ringgit Malaysia (RM), subject to an 8% SST, and may change without prior notice. You may choose not to proceed with the treatment after the foot wash/sanitisation, with a surcharge of RM25.


We welcome any gratuities given at your discretion to our therapists in appreciation of their outstanding service.

Home Self-Care

Loving our products? Bring home pieces of us and continue pampering yourself as most of the products used or consumed during your visit are available for purchase.


Keep your personal belongings safe with you or in the cabinet at all times, as we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused.


Smoking and alcohol consumption are prohibited within our premise. Avoid consuming alcohol or heavy meals prior to or after treatment for the benefit of your health.

Professional Services

In compliance with the authorities' spa guidelines, the curtains are half-drawn for male guests. Any inappropriate guest behaviour deemed by our therapists during treatment will result in immediate cessation, with no refunds provided.

Health Status

Raise any specific health condition, allergy or injury before the session, as our therapists will make adjustments to your treatment accordingly.


Our spa is meant for general relaxation and wellness, not as a replacement for medical care. We will also not be held responsible for any accident or injury that might occur during your visit.